Judith Humphrey is founder of Toronto-based communications firm, The Humphrey Group Inc., and she is an acclaimed author. Her four books, Speaking as a Leader (2012), Taking the Stage (2014), Impromptu (2018), and The Job Seeker’s Script (2023), show leaders how to inspire and influence whenever they speak—formally, informally, and off-the-cuff. Judith also brings her thought leadership to Fast Company, where she has been a regular contributor for 9 years. She is available to speak about her four books.


Judith Humphrey is founder of Toronto-based communications firm, The Humphrey Group Inc., and she is an acclaimed author. Her first three books, Speaking as a Leader (2012), Taking the Stage (2014), and  Impromptu (2018) show leaders how to inspire and influence whenever they speak—formally, informally, and off-the-cuff. Her latest book, The Job Seeker’s Script (2023), shows how to tell your story and land that dream job. She is available to speak about her four books.


Judith launched The Humphrey Group in 1988. Her vision of marrying leadership and communication remains central to the firm’s mission. Under her leadership, The Humphrey Group grew from a boutique firm working with top executives to a global enterprise that teaches leaders at all levels how to influence and inspire. As CEO of The Humphrey Group, Judith has provided coaching to top executives in a broad range of industries, including banking, technology, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, energy, and many others. Her Taking the Stage program for women has reached close to a million  women around the world in companies like IBM, Walmart, Dell, Microsoft, and Google.

She is a superb coach who has worked with leaders and job applicants at all levels – from CEOs to aspiring first-time job seekers — enabling them to come across with clear, consistent and convincing messages. As a result, her clients have earned the respect of their teams and broader audiences, and the job seekers she’s coached have consistently won the positions they sought.

Ms. Humphrey was awarded the YWCA Woman of Distinction Award in the category of Entrepreneurship. Judith has an M.A. in English from The University of Rochester and taught communications at York University in Toronto. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

She is a frequent speaker on the subject of leadership communications; speaking as a leader; women’s leadership,  impromptu speaking, and creating a narrative that lands you that big job. She enjoys bringing her books to the attention of leaders in business schools, corporations, and other organizations.

While she writes for Fast Company and promotes her books, The Humphrey Group is thriving under the capable leadership of her son, Bart Egnal, President and CEO.


About Judith Humphrey - Playing Violin
About Judith Humphrey - Speaking at Podium

About Judith Humphrey


About Judith Humphrey