SPEAKING AS A LEADER (Jossey-Bass, 2012)


This book explores the fundamentals of what it means to speak as a leader. In fact, it sets forth the basic assumption that the primary means of expressing one’s leadership is the ability to communicate with and inspire others. As author Judith Humphrey writes: “A leader’s role is to move others—engage them and inspire them to action.”

In this path-breaking book, Humphrey shows readers how to unlock their leadership potential every time they speak and turn listeners into followers and believers. The book sets forth a four-step model for doing so. This Leadership Model shows readers how to

  • Think like a leader
  • Script yourself as a leader
  • Use the language of leadership
  • Achieve a leader’s presence.

Speaking as a leader is a classic for those who wish to turn every speech, presentation, and informal set of remarks into an act of inspirational leadership. It is chock full of riveting real-life examples drawn from The Humphrey Group’s privileged work with leaders.

The book has been a business best-seller since its publication in 2012.



“Speaking as a Leader will take you to a new level of leadership—to where you speak not only about what you know, but more importantly about what you believe and want others to believe.

We have all heard speakers who leave us with a lasting, positive impression—they are not necessarily charismatic in the traditional sense of the word. . . . But they speak sincerely, deeply, and with passion about what they believe. They speak in a way that engages others, and moves them. They are the leaders of the twenty-first century.

Speaking as a Leader will enable you to achieve this power by bringing forward your ideas and expressing them with clarity, confidence, and true charisma. You will learn how to communicate every day with well-focused, clearly developed messages. You will learn how to mobilize others through the power of your ideas. You will learn how to lead every time you speak.



I can say from experience that anyone who wants to speak as a leader should read this book. I first worked with Judith when I was CFO at Imperial Oil When I became CEO of Petro-Canada I not only used those communication skills, but brought Judith in to work with my entire executive team.”
–Ron Brenneman, Former CEO, Petro-Canada


Speaking as a Leader provides readers with a single approach that has enabled me to successfully reach all my audiences—board members, senior executives, my leadership team, employees, shareholders, and analysts.”
–Stephen Dyer, Senior Vice President, Retail, Agrium Inc.


“The great thing about this book—and Judith’s approach—is that it teaches leaders how to bring forward clear, compelling ideas. It offers readers the rare gift of intellectual eloquence.”
–Stuart Graham, President, Pimco Canada


“Communication skills make a huge difference when senior teams consider who has potential to move up to more senior roles. This book will give you that crucial edge.”
–Helen Handfield-Jones, Co-Author, The War for Talent



Judith Humphrey, Speaking as a Leader – Interview with Andrew Clancy, Senior Editor of Soundview.